For a Sago apple pudding recipe you will need to do the following:
One cupful of sago in a quart of tepid water, with a pinch of salt, soaked for one hour; six or eight apples pared and cored, or quartered, and steamed tender and put in the pudding-dish; boil and stir the sago until clear, adding water to make it thin, and pour it over the apples; bake one hour. This is good hot, with butter and sugar, or cold with cream and sugar.
Boiled apple pudding recipe
For this boiled apple pudding recipe you will need:
Pare, core and mince the apples and mix with the bread crumbs, nutmeg, grated sugar, currants; the juice of the lemon and half the rind grated. Beat the eggs well, moisten the mixture with these and beat all together, adding the wine last; put the pudding in a buttered mold, tie it down with a cloth; boil one hour and a half and serve with sweet sauce.
- 3 apples
- 3 eggs
- 1/4 pound of breadcrumbs
- 1 lemon
- 3 ounces sugar
- 3 ounces of currants
- 1/2 a wine-glassful of wine
- nutmeg, butter and sugar as necessary
Pare, core and mince the apples and mix with the bread crumbs, nutmeg, grated sugar, currants; the juice of the lemon and half the rind grated. Beat the eggs well, moisten the mixture with these and beat all together, adding the wine last; put the pudding in a buttered mold, tie it down with a cloth; boil one hour and a half and serve with sweet sauce.
Apple custard pudding recipe
For this apple custard pudding recipe you need to:
Put a quart of pared and quartered apples into a stew pan, with half a cupful of water and cook them until they are soft. Remove from the fire and add half a cupful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of butter and the grated rind and the juice of a lemon. Have ready mixed two cupfuls of grated breadcrumbs and two tablespoonfuls of flour; add this also to the apple mixture, after which stir in two well-beaten eggs. Turn all into a well-buttered pudding-dish and bake forty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with sugar and cream or hard sweet sauce.
Put a quart of pared and quartered apples into a stew pan, with half a cupful of water and cook them until they are soft. Remove from the fire and add half a cupful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of butter and the grated rind and the juice of a lemon. Have ready mixed two cupfuls of grated breadcrumbs and two tablespoonfuls of flour; add this also to the apple mixture, after which stir in two well-beaten eggs. Turn all into a well-buttered pudding-dish and bake forty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with sugar and cream or hard sweet sauce.
Apple meringue pudding recipe
for this apple meringue pudding recipe you will need:
Pare the thin yellow rind off of the lemon, being careful not to cut into the white part, and put it in a saucepan with one and two-thirds cupfuls of the granulated sugar. Boil ten minutes; then put in the apples and juice of the lemon. Cover, and simmer half an hour. The apples should be tender, but not much broken. Take them up, and boil the syrup until thick. When it is reduced enough, pour it over the apples, and put these away to cool. Make the sauce and finish the pudding the same as for peach meringue, flavoring the sauce, however, with extract of lemon.
- Two quarts of pared and quartered apples,
- a lemon,
- two cupfuls of granulated sugar and
- six table-spoonfuls of powdered,
- six eggs,
- one quart of milk,
- three teaspoonfuls of corn-starch.
Pare the thin yellow rind off of the lemon, being careful not to cut into the white part, and put it in a saucepan with one and two-thirds cupfuls of the granulated sugar. Boil ten minutes; then put in the apples and juice of the lemon. Cover, and simmer half an hour. The apples should be tender, but not much broken. Take them up, and boil the syrup until thick. When it is reduced enough, pour it over the apples, and put these away to cool. Make the sauce and finish the pudding the same as for peach meringue, flavoring the sauce, however, with extract of lemon.
Dutch apple pudding
For this dutch apple pudding recipe you will need:
Mix the salt, soda and cream of tartar with the flour, and rub through the sieve. Beat the egg light, and add the milk. Rub the butter into the flour. Pour the milk and egg on this, and mix quickly and thoroughly. Spread the dough about half an inch deep on a buttered baking pan. Have the apples pared, cored and cut into eighths. Stick these pieces in rows into the dough. Sprinkle with two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Bake in a quick oven for about twenty-five minutes. This pudding is to be eaten with sugar and cream or a simple sauce.
- One pint of flour,
- one teaspoonful of cream of tartar,
- half a teaspoonful of soda,
- half a teaspoonful of salt,
- an egg,
- a generous two-thirds of a cupful of milk,
- two table-spoonfuls of butter,
- four large apples.
Mix the salt, soda and cream of tartar with the flour, and rub through the sieve. Beat the egg light, and add the milk. Rub the butter into the flour. Pour the milk and egg on this, and mix quickly and thoroughly. Spread the dough about half an inch deep on a buttered baking pan. Have the apples pared, cored and cut into eighths. Stick these pieces in rows into the dough. Sprinkle with two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Bake in a quick oven for about twenty-five minutes. This pudding is to be eaten with sugar and cream or a simple sauce.
Apple puff pudding recipe
To make apple puff pudding recipe you need to put half a pound of flour into a basin, sprinkle in a little salt, stir in gradually a pint of milk; when quite smooth add three eggs; butter a pie-dish, pour in the batter; take three-quarters of a pound of apples, seed and cut in slices, and put in the batter; place bits of butter over the top; bake three-quarters of an hour; when done, sprinkle sugar over the top and serve hot.
Apple pudding recipe No.3
For this apple pudding recipe you will need:
to them the pulp of your apples, half a pound of clarified butter, a little lemon-peel shred fine, a handful of bread crumbs or biscuit, four ounces of candid orange or citron, and bake it with a thin paste under it.
- 6 large codlins or pippens
- 8 eggs
- 1/2 pound Sugar
- 1/2 pound clarified butter
- lemon-peel
- bread crumbs or biscuit
- and orange or citron
to them the pulp of your apples, half a pound of clarified butter, a little lemon-peel shred fine, a handful of bread crumbs or biscuit, four ounces of candid orange or citron, and bake it with a thin paste under it.
Apple pudding recipe No.2
For this apple pudding recipe you will need:
Core the apples, mix the sugar and cinnamon, and fill the hole where the core was with it; put the apples into a buttered pie-dish; make a batter of the milk, eggs, and meal, melt the butter
and mix it into the batter; pour it over the apples, and bake the pudding for 2 hours in a moderate oven.
- 6 baking apples
- 2 oz. of sugar
- 3/4 pint of milk
- 3 eggs
- 6 oz. of Allinson whole meal
- 1 heaped up teaspoonful of ground cinnamon
- And 1 oz. of butter.
Core the apples, mix the sugar and cinnamon, and fill the hole where the core was with it; put the apples into a buttered pie-dish; make a batter of the milk, eggs, and meal, melt the butter
and mix it into the batter; pour it over the apples, and bake the pudding for 2 hours in a moderate oven.
Apple pudding recipe
For this apple pudding recipe you will need:
Pare, core, and cut up the apples; make a paste of the meal, butter and a little cold water; roll the paste out, line a pudding basin with the greater part of it, put in the apples, and sprinkle over them the cinnamon and 4 oz. of sugar - a little more should the apples be very sour; cover the apples with the rest of the paste, and press the edges together round the sides; tie a cloth over the basin and boil the pudding for 2-1/2 to 3 hours in a saucepan with boiling water.
- 1-1/2 lbs. of apples
- 1 teaspoonful of ground cinnamon
- 1/2 lb. of Allinson fine wheat meal
- 2-1/2 oz. of butter or vege-butter
- and sugar to taste.
Pare, core, and cut up the apples; make a paste of the meal, butter and a little cold water; roll the paste out, line a pudding basin with the greater part of it, put in the apples, and sprinkle over them the cinnamon and 4 oz. of sugar - a little more should the apples be very sour; cover the apples with the rest of the paste, and press the edges together round the sides; tie a cloth over the basin and boil the pudding for 2-1/2 to 3 hours in a saucepan with boiling water.
Crab Apple Jelly Recipe
For this crab apple jelly recipe the apples should be juicy and ripe. The fruit is then quartered, the black spots in the cores removed, afterward put into a preserving kettle over the fire, with a teacupful of water in the bottom to prevent burning; more water is added as it evaporates while cooking. When boiled to a pulp, strain the apples through a coarse flannel, then proceed as for currant jelly.
Apple jelly recipe No.3
Take twenty large ripe juicy pippins. Pare, core, and chop them to pieces. Put them into a jar with the yellow rind of four lemons, pared thin and cut into little bits Cover the jar closely, and set it into a pot of hot water Keep the water boiling hard all round it till the apples are dissolved, Then strain them through a jelly-bag, and mix with the liquid the juice of the lemons. To each pint of the mixed juice allow a pound of loaf-sugar. Put them into a porcelain kettle, and when the sugar is melted, set it on the fire, and boil and skim it for about twenty minutes, or till it becomes a thick jelly. Put it into tumblers, and cover it with double tissue paper nicely fitted to the inside of the top. The red or Siberian crab apple makes a delicious jelly, prepared in the above manner.
Apple jelly recipe No.2
Select apples that are rather tart and highly flavored; slice them without paring; place in a porcelain preserving kettle, cover with water, and let them cook slowly until the apples look red. Pour into a colander, drain off the juice, and let this run through a jelly-bag; return to the kettle, which must be carefully washed, and boil half an hour; measure it and allow to every pint of juice a pound of sugar and half the juice of a lemon; boil quickly for ten minutes. The juice of apples boiled in shallow vessels, without a particle of sugar, makes the most sparkling, delicious jelly imaginable. Red apples will give jelly the color and clearness of claret, while that from light fruit is like amber. Take the cider just as it is made, not allowing it to ferment at all, and, if possible; boil it in a pan, flat, very large and shallow.Serve the apple jelly.
Apple jelly recipe No.1
Take many apples as may be required. 1 pint of water to each 1 lb. of apples. Wash and cut up the apples, and boil them in the water until tender; then pour them into a jelly bag and let drain well; take 1 lb. of loaf sugar to each pint of juice, and the juice of 1 lemon to each quart of liquid. Boil the liquid, skimming carefully, until the jelly sets when cold if a drop is tried on a plate. It may take from 2 hours to 3 hours in boiling..
Apple fritters recipe No.3
Make a batter in the proportion of one cup sweet milk to two cups flour, a heaping teaspoonful of baking powder, two eggs beaten separately, one tablespoonful of sugar and a salt spoon of salt; heat the milk a little more than milk-warm, add it slowly to the beaten yolks and sugar; then add flour and whites of the eggs; stir all together and throw in thin slices of good sour apples, dipping the batter up over them; drop into boiling hot lard in large spoonfuls with pieces of apple in each, and fry to a light brown. Serve with maple syrup, or nice syrup made with clarified sugar.
Apple fritters recipe No.2
For this apple fritters recipe you will need:
Take four eggs and beat them very well, put to them four spoonfuls of fine flour, a little milk, about a quarter of a pound of sugar, a little nutmeg and salt, so beat them very well together; you must not make it very thin, if you do it will not stick to the apple; take a middling apple and pare it, cut out the core, and cut the rest in round slices about the thickness of a shilling; (you may take out the core after you have cut it with your thimble) have ready a little lard in a stew-pan, or any other deep pan; then take your apple every slice single, and dip it into your bladder, let your lard be very hot, so drop them in; you must keep them turning whilst enough, and mind that they be not over brown; as you take them out lay them on a pewter dish before the fire whilst you have done; have a little white wine, butter and sugar for the sauce; grate over them a little loaf sugar, and serve them up.
- 4 Eggs
- four spoonfuls of fine flour
- 1/4 pound of sugar
- Milk, Nutmeg and Salt as necessary
Take four eggs and beat them very well, put to them four spoonfuls of fine flour, a little milk, about a quarter of a pound of sugar, a little nutmeg and salt, so beat them very well together; you must not make it very thin, if you do it will not stick to the apple; take a middling apple and pare it, cut out the core, and cut the rest in round slices about the thickness of a shilling; (you may take out the core after you have cut it with your thimble) have ready a little lard in a stew-pan, or any other deep pan; then take your apple every slice single, and dip it into your bladder, let your lard be very hot, so drop them in; you must keep them turning whilst enough, and mind that they be not over brown; as you take them out lay them on a pewter dish before the fire whilst you have done; have a little white wine, butter and sugar for the sauce; grate over them a little loaf sugar, and serve them up.
Apple float recipe
For this apple float recipe you will need:
Put the apples on with water enough to cover them and let them stew until they look as if they would break; then take them out and put the sugar in the same water; let the syrup come to a boil, put in the apples and let them stew until done through and clear; then take them out, slice into the syrup one large lemon and add an ounce of gelatin dissolved in a pint of cold water. Let the whole mix well and come to a boil; then pour upon the apples. The syrup will congeal. It is to be eaten cold with cream.
- 12 apples, pared and cored
- 1 1/2 pound of sugar
- 1 large lemon
- 1 ounce of gelatin
- and water as necessary
Put the apples on with water enough to cover them and let them stew until they look as if they would break; then take them out and put the sugar in the same water; let the syrup come to a boil, put in the apples and let them stew until done through and clear; then take them out, slice into the syrup one large lemon and add an ounce of gelatin dissolved in a pint of cold water. Let the whole mix well and come to a boil; then pour upon the apples. The syrup will congeal. It is to be eaten cold with cream.
Different free recipes for you to download
Hi food lovers. This post we will talk about something else, not apple recipes. I mean, you should eat apples every day - hey "an apple a day keep the doctor away", but to much of all the same food every day is never good.
So to give you a few ideas we selected a few sites that feature some really nice recipes. For instance - here you can find lots of Free Recipes that will teach you how to cook fish, then how to make beef and steak, how to cook with chicken meat, then there are also some mexican recipes, Italian recipes, Chinese recipes...
Another cool site that has a veriety of recipes and that also lets you download recipes as e-books (you have to pay but they are very cheap). Sometimes you are nowhere near your PC and internet and you need your recipes on paper. You can print them and have them in a drawer in the kitchen.
Although, I usually just bring my laptop to the kitchen and try not to cover it with food lol.
Anyway, take a break from apples once in a while and try something else.
Apple dumplings recipe No.4
This is another apple dumplings recipe. Make rich biscuit dough, the same as soda or baking powder biscuit, only adding a little more shortening. Take a piece of dough out on the molding-board, roll out almost as thin as pie crust; then cut into square pieces large enough to cover an apple. Put into the middle of each piece two apple halves that have been pared and cored; sprinkle on a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of ground cinnamon, turn the ends of the dough over the apple and lap them tight. Lay the dumplings in a dripping-pan buttered, the smooth side upward. When the pans are filled, put a small piece of butter on top of each, sprinkle over a large handful of sugar, turn in a cupful of boiling water, then place in a moderate oven for three-quarters of an hour. Baste with the liquor once while baking. Serve with pudding-sauce or cream and sugar.
Apple dumplings recipe No.3
Peel and core some good cooking apples, but keep them whole. If you have no apple-corer, take out as much of the core as possible with a pointed knife-blade. Fill the hole with sugar and a clove. Make short paste and cut into squares. Fold neatly round and over apple. Bake from 30 to 45 minutes. If preferred boiled, tie each dumpling loosely in a cloth, put into boiling water and cook from 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Apple dumplings recipe No.2
For this apple dumplings recipe you will need:
6 codlins or any other good apples.
butter paste
salt and water as necessary
Take codlins or any other apples, pare and core them, make a little cold butter paste, and roll it up about the thickness of your finger, so lap around every apple, and tie them single in a fine cloth, boil them in a little salt and water, and let the water boil before you put them in; half an hour will boil them; you must have for sauce a little white wine and butter; grate some sugar round the dish, and serve them up.
6 codlins or any other good apples.
butter paste
salt and water as necessary
Take codlins or any other apples, pare and core them, make a little cold butter paste, and roll it up about the thickness of your finger, so lap around every apple, and tie them single in a fine cloth, boil them in a little salt and water, and let the water boil before you put them in; half an hour will boil them; you must have for sauce a little white wine and butter; grate some sugar round the dish, and serve them up.
Apple orange compote recipe
For this Apple orange compote recipe you will need:
- 6 oranges,
- 8 fine sweet apples,
- 1 oz. of ground sweet almonds,
- syrup as in "Orange Syrup."
- Peel the oranges and the apples, cut them across in thin slices, coring the apples and removing the pips from the oranges.
- Arrange the fruit into alternate circles in a glass dish, sprinkling the ground almonds between the layers.
- Pour over the whole the syrup.
- Serve when cold.
How to make apple compote
In this apple recipe we will be making apple compote.
- Take large ripe pippin apples.
- Pare, core, and weigh them, and to each pound allow a pound of fine loaf-sugar and two lemons.
- Parboil the apples, and then set them out to cool.
- Pare off very nicely with a penknife the yellow rind of the lemons, taking care not to break it; and then with scissors trim the edges to an even width all along.
- Put the lemon-rind to boil in a little sauce-pan by itself, till it Becomes tender, and then set it to cool.
- Allow half a pint of water to each pound of sugar; and when it is melted, set it on the fire in the preserving kettle, put in the apples, and boil them slowly till they are clear and tender all through, but not till they break; skimming the syrup carefully.
- After you have taken out the apples, add the lemon-juice, put in the lemon-peel, and boil it till quite transparent.
- When the whole is cold, put the apples with the syrup into glass dishes, and dispose the wreaths of lemon-peel fancifully about them.
Enjoy your apple compote.
Apple fritters recipe
For this apple fritters recipe you will need:
meal, and the eggs well beaten, adding sugar to taste. Have a frying-pan ready on the fire with boiling oil, vege-butter, or butter, dip the apple slices into the batter and fry the fritters until golden brown; drain them on blotting paper, and keep them hot in the oven until all are done.
- 3 good juicy cooking apples
- 3 eggs
- 6 oz. of Allinson fine wheat meal
- 1/2 pint of milk
- and sugar to taste.
meal, and the eggs well beaten, adding sugar to taste. Have a frying-pan ready on the fire with boiling oil, vege-butter, or butter, dip the apple slices into the batter and fry the fritters until golden brown; drain them on blotting paper, and keep them hot in the oven until all are done.
Apple fool recipe
For the apple fool recipe you will need:
Pare, core, and cut up the apples, stone the dates, and gently stew the fruit with a teacupful of water and the cloves until quite tender; when sufficiently cooked, remove the cloves, and rub the fruit through a sieve; gradually mix in the milk, which should be boiling, then the cream; serve cold with sponge-cake fingers.
- 2 lbs. of apples
- 1/2 lb. of dates]
- 3/4 pint of milk
- 1/4 pint of cream
- 6 cloves tied in muslin
- and a little sugar.
Pare, core, and cut up the apples, stone the dates, and gently stew the fruit with a teacupful of water and the cloves until quite tender; when sufficiently cooked, remove the cloves, and rub the fruit through a sieve; gradually mix in the milk, which should be boiling, then the cream; serve cold with sponge-cake fingers.
Apple charlotte recipe
For this second apple charlotte recipe you will need:
- Juicy Apples
- castor sugar
- grated lemon rind
- butter or nutter
- bread-crumbs or Granose flakes (Bread-crumbs make the more substantial, granose flakes the more dainty)
- Peel, core, and slice the apples.
- Grease a pie-dish.
- Put in a thin layer of crumbs.
- On this dot a few small pieces nutter.
- Over this put a generous layer of chopped apple.
- Sprinkle with sugar and grated lemon rind.
- Repeat the process until the dish is full.
- Top with crumbs.
- Bake from 20 minutes to half an hour.
- When done, turn out on to dish, being careful not to break.
- Sprinkle a little castor sugar over.
- Serve hot or cold. Boiled custard may be served with it.
How to make apple charlotte
For this apple charlotte recipe you will need:
- 2 lbs. of good cooking apples
- 2 oz. chopped almonds
- 4 oz. of currants and sultanas mixed
- 1 stick of cinnamon about 3 inches long,
- the juice of 1/2 a lemon
- Allinson bread and butter cut very thinly
- And sugar to taste.
- Pare, core, and cut up the apples, and stew them with a teacupful of water and the cinnamon, until the apples have become a pulp;
- remove the cinnamon, and add sugar, lemon juice, the almonds, and the currants and sultanas, previously picked, washed, and dried;
- mix all well and allow the mixture to cool;
- butter a pie-dish and line it with thin slices of bread and butter, then place on it a layer of apple mixture, repeat the layers, finishing with slices of bread and butter;
- bake for 3/4 hour in a moderate oven.
Apple sauce cake recipe
For this Apple sauce cake recipe you will need:
- 2 cupfuls flour
- 1/8 teaspoonful cloves
- 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls cinnamon
- 1 teaspoonful nutmeg
- 1 teaspoonful baking soda
- 1/4 teaspoonful salt
- 1 cupful sugar
- 1 cupful apple sauce (unsweetened)
- 1/3 cupful fat
- 1 cupful raisins, cut in halves
- Mix the sugar and apple sauce;
- add the fat.
- Mix the dry ingredients, put them through a sifter, add them to the apple sauce mixture.
- Flour the raisins and stir them into the batter.
- Turn into a greased loaf-cake pan or into two layer-cake pans.
- Bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees F.).
- If the cake is baked in layers, put Raisin Filling between them, but omit the raisins in the cake batter.
Enjoy this apple sauce cake recipe. It goes great with any meal, I mean after any meal. But my plan is the following - I'm gona make some Cajun recipe style Surf and Turf. If you don't know Surf and Turf is just another name for Lobster and steak. Try it, you won't be sorry.
Dried apples cake
For this dried apples cake you will need:
Enjoy this dried apples cake.
- 3 Cupfuls of dried apples
- 3 cups of molasses
- 3 cupfuls of flour
- 3 eggs
- 1 cupful of butter
- 1 teaspoonful soda
- 1 cupful of seedless raisins - optional
- Add spices if necessary
- Soak dried apples over night in cold water enough to swell them;
- chop them in the morning and put them on the fire with three cups of molasses;
- stew until almost soft;
- add a cupful of nice seedless raisins (if possible) and stew a few moments;
- when cold, add three cupfuls of flour, one cupful of butter, three eggs and a teaspoonful of soda;
- bake in a steady oven. This will make two good-sized panfuls of splendid cake;
- the apples will cook like citron and taste deliciously. Raisins may be omitted;
- also spices to taste may be added.
Enjoy this dried apples cake.
Simple Apple Cake Recipe
For this Simple Apple Cake Recipe you will need the following:
- 1-1/2 cups flour
- 3 teaspoons Baking Powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons shortening
- 1/2 cup milk
- 4 or 5 apples
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- Sift together flour, baking powder and salt;
- add shortening and rub in very lightly;
- add milk slowly to make soft dough and mix.
- Place on floured board and roll out 1/2-inch thick.
- Put into shallow greased pan.
- Wash, pare, core and cut apples into sections;
- press them into dough, sprinkle with sugar and dust with cinnamon.
- Bake in moderate oven 30 minutes or until apples are tender and brown.
- Serve warm with milk or cream.
Also, this is not totally realted to this post but these is another cake or better bread that is very easy to make - banana bread. The banana bread recipe is one of the simplest recipes for desserts out there and people love it! You should check it out.
Apple dumplings recipe
Core as many apples as may be required. Fill the holes with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon; make a paste for a short crust, roll it out, and wrap each apple in it. Bake the dumplings about 30 or 40 minutes in the oven, or boil them the same time in plenty of water, placing the dumplings in the water when it boils fast. Serve with cream or sweet white sauce.
Easy Apple Cake Recipe
For the Easy Apple Cake Recipe you need:
- 6 oz. Allinson fine wheat meal
- 6 oz. white flour
- 4-1/2 butter
- 1 - egg
- 1-1/2 lbs. of apples
- 1 teaspoonful cinnamon
- 3 oz. castor sugar
- and a little cold water
- Rub the butter into the meal and flour, beat up the egg and add it, and as much cold water as is required to make a smooth paste;
- roll out the greater part of it 1/4 inch thick, and line a flat buttered tin with it. Pare, core, and cut the apples into thin divisions, arrange them in close rows on the paste point down, leaving 1 inch of edge uncovered;
- sift the sugar and cinnamon over the apples;
- roll out thinly the rest of the paste, cover the apples with it, turn up the edges of the bottom crust over the edges of the top crust, make 2 incisions in the crust,
- bake the cake until brown in a moderately hot oven;
- when cold sift castor sugar over it, slip the cake off the tin, cut into pieces, and serve.
Enjoy your easy apple cake recipe! You can also put apples in chocolate cake, I like to lay them on the top of the cake before you cover it with chocolate. You need a nice cake recipe and some time to experiment, I find that fruit cakes are lighter for me to eat since they are fresher and you are not full after a spoon or two of your cake. And chocolate - this seems like the best from both worlds :).
Chocolate Apple Crisp Recipe
3 Apples, unpeeled if desired, chopped
1 1/2 cup flour
1 1/2 cup of uncooked Quick oats
1 cup of brown sugar
1 cup Pecans or walnuts, chopped
3/4 cup Butter
1/2 teaspoon Baking soda
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1 packet semi-sweet chocolate mini morsels, divided (12 oz)
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. In large bowl, combine flour, brown sugar, baking soda and salt. With 2 knives or pastry blender, cut in butter until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Stir in oats; press half of oat mixture into greased 13x9" baking pan. To remaining oat mixture, add Nestle Toll House semi-sweet chocolate mini morsels, apples and pecans; stir to combine. Sprinkle over base. Bake at least 35 minutes until lightly browned. Cool slightly; cut into squares.
1 1/2 cup flour
1 1/2 cup of uncooked Quick oats
1 cup of brown sugar
1 cup Pecans or walnuts, chopped
3/4 cup Butter
1/2 teaspoon Baking soda
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1 packet semi-sweet chocolate mini morsels, divided (12 oz)
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. In large bowl, combine flour, brown sugar, baking soda and salt. With 2 knives or pastry blender, cut in butter until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Stir in oats; press half of oat mixture into greased 13x9" baking pan. To remaining oat mixture, add Nestle Toll House semi-sweet chocolate mini morsels, apples and pecans; stir to combine. Sprinkle over base. Bake at least 35 minutes until lightly browned. Cool slightly; cut into squares.
Raisin Apple Crisp Recipe
3 Apples
1/4 cup Raisins
1/4 cup Chopped nuts
1/8 cup Water
3/8 cup Brown sugar
1/8 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 tablespoon Lemon juice
2 tablespoon Flour
2 tablespoon margarine
1/8 teaspoon Salt
Wash, pare, core and slice apples thinly. Mix with raisins. Place in a greased casserole Add cinnamon, salt, lemon juice and water Work sugar, flour and margarine (fat) together to form crumb like consistency Spread over apple and raisin mixture Bake in 380 degree oven for at least 30 minutes.
1/4 cup Raisins
1/4 cup Chopped nuts
1/8 cup Water
3/8 cup Brown sugar
1/8 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 tablespoon Lemon juice
2 tablespoon Flour
2 tablespoon margarine
1/8 teaspoon Salt
Wash, pare, core and slice apples thinly. Mix with raisins. Place in a greased casserole Add cinnamon, salt, lemon juice and water Work sugar, flour and margarine (fat) together to form crumb like consistency Spread over apple and raisin mixture Bake in 380 degree oven for at least 30 minutes.
Spicy Apple Crisp Recipe
How to make a spicy apple crisp:
6 to 8 cooking apples
1 cup flour
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
3/4 cup butter
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 peel of one lemon
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Peel, quarter and core cooking apples. Cut apple quarters into thin slices and place it in a bowl. Blend nutmeg and cinnamon then sprinkle over apples. Sprinkle with lemon rind. Add lemon juice and toss to blend. Arrange slices in a large baking dish. Make a mixture of sugar, flour and butter in a mixing bowl then put over apples, smoothing it over. Place the dish in the oven. If dish is very full, put a pan under the dish to catch spills. Bake at 370° for 60 minutes, until browned and apples are tender.
6 to 8 cooking apples
1 cup flour
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
3/4 cup butter
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 peel of one lemon
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Peel, quarter and core cooking apples. Cut apple quarters into thin slices and place it in a bowl. Blend nutmeg and cinnamon then sprinkle over apples. Sprinkle with lemon rind. Add lemon juice and toss to blend. Arrange slices in a large baking dish. Make a mixture of sugar, flour and butter in a mixing bowl then put over apples, smoothing it over. Place the dish in the oven. If dish is very full, put a pan under the dish to catch spills. Bake at 370° for 60 minutes, until browned and apples are tender.
Apple Crisp Recipe
How to make apple crisp:
Ingredients:4 cup of Sliced Apples
1/3 cup All-purpose flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup oatmeal
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 cup butter or melted margarine
Salt as necessary
Put Sliced Apples in a baking pan and Sprinkle with lemon juice. Combine all dry ingredients with butter or melted margarine and mix with a fork until crumbly. Sprinkle all this over apples and bake at 350 degrees for at least 30 minutes.
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